"Carbon-Neutral Leading the times"

Became a comprehensive manufacturer of Cartesian Robots


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Efforts to achieve the SDGs


SDGs Products & Services

As a "comprehensive orthogonal robot manufacturer" that leverages industry-leading technologies, we will contribute to the realization of a recycling-oriented society by supporting the labor-saving and productivity-enhancing needs of customers in various industries through aggressive solution proposals.

  • Strengthen development and proposal capabilities by leveraging group synergies
  • Promote the spread of robots in all industries by developing and proposing solutions from the user's perspective
  • Expand sales offices and provide employee training to speed up service response
  • Thorough quality control based on ISO9001

SDGs environment

We aim to achieve a sustainable global environment by promoting energy conservation, resource conservation, emission reduction, and pollution prevention in all processes of our business activities, including production processes and procurement.

  • Promoted transition to 100% renewable energy for electricity use
  • Increase in-house power generation by installing more solar panels, and promote paperless documents
  • Promote design and manufacture of products that are easy to sort and recycle and have a long service life
  • Switching to hybrid vehicles for company vehicles

SDGs Human Rights and Job Satisfaction

We will create a working environment in which each employee can demonstrate his or her abilities and in which a diverse range of human resources can play an active role. We will also create a work environment where employees can continue to work actively for a long period of time, maintaining a good balance between work and private life.

  • Establishment of flexible work systems such as shorter working hours and telecommuting
  • Formulation and implementation of a general business action plan to promote the advancement of women
  • Thoroughly prevent harassment, promote the use of consultation services, and continue in-house education
  • Promote international activities of human resources by hiring regardless of nationality and exchanges with overseas subsidiaries

SDGs Regional and Social Contributions

We will contribute to the development of local communities by actively collaborating with local communities, engaging in regional and social contribution activities, and providing educational opportunities for the next generation of human resources.

  • Continue sponsorship of local events and cleanup activities at Lake Shinji near the Izumo Plant
  • Promote workplace tours and internships for local elementary and junior high school students
  • Contribute to regional revitalization through active procurement from local businesses
  • Promote interaction with the local community

Carbon Neutral Initiatives

As a "global company," we are working to realize a decarbonized society that must be addressed globally.

  • Doubling of in-house power generation by installing solar panels
  • Paperless initiatives
  • Conversion to renewable energy sources
  • Adoption of hybrid and electric vehicles
  • Current functions of take-out robots (energy-saving adsorption/servo sleep function/optimized mode operation)
  • Reduction of power consumption of take-out robot by lightweight

Global Power of STAR SEIKI

Through our sales offices and distributors around the world, we collect and forecast
"manufacturing" trends in each country and area.
We will continue to actively promote overseas expansion.


Domestic operations




United States



New Challenges in Creating the "Factory of the Future"

Take-out robot for Injection Molding Machine “IX/GX ” have been developed with a completely new concept, and launched in 2016. They have been highly evaluated since then. Recently, we have started production of their latest version “ P series”.This series have been developed with the concept of “ Enhanced basics” and equipped with the latest function of our conventional robot as Standard function.

STAR SEIKI will challenge more than ever for "Factory of the Future" realizing customers’ dream.


What are "Izumo Brand Products"?

The certification is given to products that are expected to enhance the recognition and image of Izumo, as well as to further stimulate corporate activities by utilizing the power of the Izumo brand to expand sales channels and production throughout Japan and the world.

The state-of-the-art "P Series" is manufactured at the Izumo Plant in Shimane Prefecture.


Group synergies

Since its establishment in 1964, STAR SEIKI has received tremendous support from its customers as a manufacturer of injection molding take-out robots and labor-saving products.

We will continue to contribute to the community and society by creating more added value through mutual cooperation among our group companies, KUNIMORI KAGAKU , STARTECHNO, and STERTEC.